From Secondary Infertility To A Positive Result
From secondary infertility to a positive result. I was going through secondary infertility issues and have been trying for another baby for over a year now but all to no avail. On the 14th of July 2023, I located Fertil24 as I was passing by I decided to step into the store to make some enquiries about fertility after which some of the products like Slimsy, Detox Capsule, Care for Women, and Female Harmony were recommended for me to take and I by the grace of God I will have my heart desires granted.
At first I doubted but I decided to give it a try and behold in the month of August I tested positive. I was waoooed as to how fast the products worked.
I thank God for this great testimony and for using Fertil24 to put a big smile on my face.
Fertil24 all the way👍👍
Staphylococcus aureus completely cleared! to the glory of God I’m pregnant.

Staphylococcus aureus completely cleared! Mercy found me with the help of fertile24 herbs.
Sometime in 2020, I discovered I had staphylococcus
I was treated with several injections and Drugs but nothing was happening, my body became resistant to those drugs, in fact I already lost hope that staphylococcus has no remedy until I met Fertile24 Herbals sometime in 2022 while passing on the road one faithful afternoon.
I was doubtful of their product even at the point of getting the products and making payment.
But to the Glory of God, these fertile products did wonders on my body.
The staphylococcus infection did not only clear completely, but I’m also pregnant with the help of these wonderful organic products.
Dr Benney thanks for all you do with your products, may God continue to use you greatly, Amen.
Blocked tubes opened in less than 2months
I did HSG scan on the 1st Nov 2022 and discovered my two tubes were blocked, I had a sleepless night and became so worried about my life because of the series of info I got from Doctors and research. Fast forward… I was coming back from a clinic where I was referred by someone to manually unblock the tubes, on my way going back home I saw fertile24 signpost on Wimpey Road just by Ada George Flyover so I dropped from the car I boarded to make some enquiries.
After a long discussion with Dr. Benney I was not still convinced because there are so many herbal products out there, so I asked a friend of mine to go back to the office the next day to still make enquiries all for me to be convinced.
I took a step of faith on the 19th of December 2022 to pay for the herbal drugs which I started taking on the 20th of December 2022 even when I didn’t trust what I was taking because I was only trying it. Because of my unbeliever, I made plan B to continue treatment with another herbal product just to ensure I am totally free from tubal blockage issues because I never believed fertil24 herbals products alone can open the tubes.
God proved to me that fertil24 can do much more than I expected by opening my tubes and correcting my reproductive organs and making me conceive in less than 2months of using fertil24 herbals blocked fallopian tubes kit.
I’ve been TTC Mom taking all manner of concoctions for almost two years all to no avail but I took fertil24 herbals products for just 2 months here I am testifying that am pregnant all because of fertile24.
If you are here reading my testimony and at the same time going through the same challenge I went through I urge you to try this herb because e dey work well well 💃💃💃💃
I Got Pregnant After 3 Fibroid Surgeries
I thought of sharing my testimony because i intended to do so once I get a solution with you. My husband and i planned to start having babies immediately after marriage so i started trying to conceive early but it was not happening for me.
I went to this gyno who asked for some tests which i did and one of the reports said i have fibroid, it was about 4.2 cm and the gyna said i should go for surgery and i said fine and that was done but i did not conceive after that.
Then after trying and trying for about 7 months, still nothing happened so i went back to the gyno who asked for me to do a scan, to my surprise the scan report came out to show that the fibroid has come back, I was devastated. He said i should do another surgery again that its a minor one and not invasive so I agreed again and did it because i don’t want anything that will prevent pregnancy.
After about another 6 or 7 months, I went back to the gyno because nothing was happening, as usual, he sent me to go for a scan only for the scan to show that the fibroid has grown again. That was how i ended up doing another surgery, this was now the third surgery.
I did the third surgery because I thought there was no other option until I ran into an old friend who told me about FERTIL24 when i told her all i have been going through.
It was that same day i met her i ordered Women Relief Kitand Care for Women and started taking them immediately i got my order. My plan was to thoroughly treat myself to stop this fibroid issue so i was going to finish every treatment in the kit and after finishing everything i was like what next? That was how i discovered i was already pregnant, and i am happy to send my testimony to encourage other women and let other women like me know that there are other options to treat fertility problems, thank you FERTIl24, God will keep blessing you all.
My Fertility Is Back
Where will I start in narrating my fertility issues? It’s been from one issue to another. When I got married I thought everything was fine with me until when I wasn’t getting pregnant and this became a concern to us even though my husband was not really showing worried.
We decided to go to the hospital after 2 years of trying, it became obvious to us that something was not okay. We did the tests we were asked to and the report showed that I had PID but mild, so I was given drugs to help treat it.
After treating the PID I was expecting that I will get pregnant but it still wasn’t happening. Then after about 3 months, I went back to the hospital and I was placed on some fertility drugs.
I took the drugs and kept visiting the hospital, most times I go alone because my husband was no longer showing interest in going and I kept going for like 6 months but nothing was happening, it was just fertility drugs I was getting and taking so I decided to do another series of test and it was discovered that I have developed ovarian cysts and the PID was now in an acute stage.
Now I needed to treat the cysts and acute PID, so I was introduced to another fertility clinic, then the same process started again and after some time my scan report showed some mass seen and they said it was fibroid. I kept looking for a solution, at this time I was 4 years and 7 months into my marriage, no pregnancy for once and I became tired of everything. I was in this state when I stumbled on Fertil24 Herbals instagram page, I have never tried herbal products before, and don’t even know anything about these herbs but something in me kept telling me to try the products, this was how I made enquiries and I was able to get what I needed for my issues.
I then started taking the products for about 2 months plus and that was how I got pregnant. I want to say a big thank you to Fertil24 herbals for these products that work.
My Pregnancy Testimony

I’m so grateful to God for this opportunity to share my testimony, This opportunity I’ve been looking forward to for the past eight years. God used Fertil-24 to come to my rescue. They gave me Detox capsules, and care for women in January 2022 by the last week of April 2022 I was confirmed pregnant for the first time in my life and after eight years of marriage. Thank you Jesus for blessing me with the fruit of the womb.
Thank you Fertil-24 for blessing me with the fruit of the womb, of your increase and growth there shall be no end. I’ll never forget the products were given to me at discounted prices, just because I didn’t have the complete money and God honoured their seed.
Fertil-24 is family centered. They are bent on seeing families fall pregnant naturally. I’m forever grateful.
My case was that of Azoospermia.
My case was that of Azoospermia ( zero sperm cells) and after I commenced treatment with Care for Men Kit, at the end of 90 days I went back for a semen analysis test, and “GOD DID”. The test results reveal 80% normal active sperm cells.
I’m grateful to God I came across your page and believed.
I also ordered Antioxidant Capsules, it really does wonders. It nourishes the testicular glands and helped the testes to produce healthy and active sperm, eliminating the number of dead and inactive sperm.
Thank you Fertil-24 herbals. No doubt it works.
My Fertility Journey
I discovered I have fibroids in the year 2021 when I went for a scan though I wasn’t trying to convince yet, the scan report shows that the biggest size was 10cm and they were multiple fibroids. I started using one herbal drug which yielded a little impact but was very costly and I couldn’t afford it.
I needed something that is very effective so I discovered Fertil-24 Herbals around September/October 2021, I started using their products for fibroids, and it’s yielded a great impact and I continued with it when I went for another scan and discovered that the fibroids sizes had reduced massively and that encouraged me so much knowing that the products are working effectively.
In July 2022 I conceived and I am carrying my own baby what a testimony.
Fertil-24 Herbals products work effectively and you too can begin your own fertility Journey with them.
Thanks so much to Fertil-24 Herbals. You have made me a proud mother-to-be.
God Used Fertil24 to Make Me A Mother.

Sometimes in 2018, I use Fertil 24 after so many tries to conceive and no luck with other drugs, but God use fertil24 to make me a mother after 5yers of marriage.
Grateful heart
So I was battling with irregular menstruation for some months and trying to conceive too, but how can I when I’m having irregular menstruation.
One day I came across Fertil24 on Facebook and decided to give it a try after taking my prescription products from fertile24 menstruation was normal and I’m glad to say I’m 3 months pregnant now.
My New Year Gift

I’m super excited this morning. Truly what God cannot do does not exist. Fertil24 is a sure bet when it comes to conception.
To cut the story short. I came in contact with Dr. Benney and told her my story and how bad I need to be called someone’s mom, she encouraged me and advised me not to give up. She prescribed some herbal medicine for me (fertil24 medicine) I started taking it during my December 2021 menstruation and today January 10th, 2022 I got my BFP.
God uses Dr. Benney to bless me…thank you so much ma. I really appreciate this. I love you.
Finally, I Am Pregnant After Trying To Conceive For 17 Years.

I got married at age 22 and was expecting to get pregnant without issues but after 6 months of being with my husband and not conceiving, we went to the hospital. Then the doctor asked, madam, for how long have you been trying to conceive? and I said 6 months, he just said, madam, go home and wait for God’s time. Then we went home and waited for 5 years and I became worried knowing that something is wrong somewhere.
I have been trying to conceive for 17 years and during this period I have visited more than 15 hospitals both government and private hospitals, and I can name these hospitals in a few seconds, in one year I visit several hospitals.
I have also taken native medicines from all angles, from my mother-in-law, who took me to different places, and also from my friends and relations but all to no avail.
Gradually, I started losing hope, struggling to conceive started affecting me, I started falling sick because I will think and think all day, I was always going to the hospital for treatment and the doctor had to call my husband one day that the solution to my sickness is for me to stop thinking.
There is nothing people did not say, some people will see me and make statements like, how far now, up till now no pregnancy?
Then I started searching for a solution again, I went on google and saw Fertil24 Herbals online and then I told my husband about it. During this same period my husband was posted to Port Harcourt and that was how I came to Port Harcourt. I was staying indoors because I don’t know anywhere and decided to start chatting with Fertil24 Herbals and then I told my husband we should trace the outlet and we did.
When I met with the consultant and discussed my issues, she looked at me and said I have several issues but I should not worry because what we are focused on now is the solution.
I did fibroid surgery in 2018 and the fibroids have started growing back. I have PID and fluid in my fallopian tubes, I lost my menses that the doctor even said maybe it is menopause and I have a heavy growth of staphylococcus infection and my husband has the same infection, low sperm count, and erectile dysfunction.
She wrote out the treatment that will help us and we went home and started taking the products. My menses that came that month was better, no pains and even the place I had the fibroid surgery that left a thick scar started reducing.
Then my menses did not come when I was expecting it to come, I called the fertility consultant and she said, we should watch it for one week, at the end of the week it still did not come and when I called, she said we should watch it for another one week, then by the end of the week which is 16th October, I called in the morning and she said I should do a pregnancy test. At this time my heart skipped and then I went to a hospital to do the test and behold it came out positive, this is after 17 years of struggling to conceive.
I broke the news to my husband and he started crying, he was like just one-month treatment and I was like just one month.
I had to go to the outlet to give this testimony, I cannot thank Fertil24 Herbals enough.
How I balance my uterus with fertil24 blends
For 6yrs now am battling with heavy bleeding, painful mensuration due to adenomyosis but today, I menstruate no heavy bleeding, no pains and no cloth
Thanks to fertil24 blends.
Good morning ma
I use to feel sharp pains in the left part of my lower abdomen and cramps in my vagina due to PCOS . When I say pain I mean serious pains whenever I touch it. Just this morning I touched it n even pressed it inside but no single pain………
These supplements are working o….. All the pains in my left ovaries gone!!!
I can’t wait to share my pregnancy news by God’s Grace and tell the full story!!!
Muajeriah Erica Dolor
Wonders shall never end

I promise to give my testimonies to Mrs Benny ojo. Thank u soo much!! God richly bless u 🙏. I am 45years of age and already have kids, I have divorced and got married to another man and he is willing for me to get pregnant but I have been trying for soo long but it’s not coming and I went for fertility treatment but no avail.
One day I was going through Facebook and I came this product name fertil24 and try to go through their links and I saw this woman called Benny Ojo’s number and I try to chart with her and she try to explain everything abt their products to me. So I decided to give it a try.
I’m from Ghana so I was finding it difficult to send money to a person whom I don’t know but I used trust to send the money, even sending the money was not easy for me I tried it’s abt 3days b4 I can do the transfer. Infact benny became very trusted and truthful person to me to the extent that immediately I send the receipt to her I received my matured mummy kits exactly 3days and I started treatment. By the grace of Allah I went to the hospital this morning and I am 6weeks pregnant
This Is A Miracle Herbal Product
I promised I will be sharing my testimony to help bring hope to other women passing through fertility challenges.
It all started on the day I was passing out of the university, my friends and I had a party to celebrate our moments in school and I was one of the organizers.
After the party that day I suddenly started feeling sharp and unbearable pain in my abdomen, I thought it was the stress of putting the party together, the dancing and jumping and all that but the pain persisted and I landed in the hospital.
I went through series of tests and when the results came out, it stated endometriosis. It was the first time I heard the word endometriosis and I thought it was one of those medical names given to medical cases, I never knew it was a fertility problem.
I was given pain relief to manage the pains but it was not really helping me.
From that time till when I eventually got married in 2017, I carried on with the pain especially when it is around my menses. When I got married it all got worse when I started trying to conceive. It was like twice the pain when I started taking drugs to conceive.
Pregnancy was not forthcoming, then the pains, and then I became depressed and easily irritable. Months after months, nothing was happening, then I decided to stop taking drugs to conceive and only take the ones to reduce pains. At this time I just wanted my body back but no, it was still pain, pain, pain.
Then my good friend who was aware of this issue came one day and told me about her pregnant colleague, that she overheard her on the phone describing one fertility place to someone, so she waited for her to end the conversation and told her about my issue, that she was surprised when her colleague told her she had the same endometriosis and got products from the fertility place and so she quickly collected the contact from her for me.
I have never tried anything herbal before, it has always been drugs that I take but at this point, I needed to try something like this so I quickly opened a discussion with FERTIL24 Herbals and got the products for endometriosis, I remember I started taking the products in the second week of May 2020.
I am taking time to explain how this whole thing started and how it ended a miracle. About 3 weeks after starting the treatment, I noticed that the very bad pain that I usually feel close to my menses became very mild, I could not believe it. Then my menses came and I was shocked to see the stain, before this time I will be rolling on the floor when I will get to see the stain.
This was my first joy, I was just concerned about getting my body back and this continued with the next menses, with no pain at all, and this was how I conceived.
I got my body back and restored my fertility with Fertil24 herbal product. This is indeed a miracle herbal product.
It’s A Boy And A Girl
I want to appreciate your products and everyone at Fertil24, I have asked myself how come I didn’t know about your product long before now.
I have been battling with fertility challenges for many years, up to 11 years of trying to conceive. I have done ovarian cyst surgery which I did about 5 years into my marriage. Then after that, it was fibroid issue and I was asked to go for surgery which I did. I had these 2 surgeries within 3 years and still, nothing happened.
Then I became very sad because the way the doctors suggested surgery, I thought that after the surgery I will be able to conceive but no, I did not.
In fact, after the second surgery, I lost my menses, which became an issue again for almost 6 months. After battling for the menses to return, it came but will only last for a day or two.
Then I started visiting clinics again, when I went for a test, it showed I have ovarian insufficiency, my ovaries were not good at all. I was given drugs but this time I decided not to take them, I had to do a rethink, I was okay several years ago, I only wanted to conceive when I started taking drugs, then it was a cyst and then surgery before I knew it another surgery and now bad ovaries so I told myself I was not going to take more drugs.
I started searching online for alternatives when I came across fertil24 herbals, oh I remember the relief I felt that day after going through the website. Then, I place my order and was surprised at the fast delivery and immediately I started taking the products and I could tell something was working well inside of me and this was how I conceived.
Today, I am a proud mother of a baby boy and a girl, a beautiful set of twins, glory to God.
My Joy Is Full
Yes, it is a thing of joy to be pregnant and I think I am happier because I was not expecting this pregnancy so fast.
We have been married for 6 years and no kids, although we were not bothered at the beginning and this is because we wanted to have some time for ourselves before the kids will start coming.
After trying for some time, I went for checks and I was confirmed okay but my husband was not always chanced to go for his test, he kept saying he is okay and that was how we got to 6 years with no kids.
Then during the lockdown, my husband eventually went for a test and it showed low sperm count. He was placed on drugs but when he repeated the test the report was even worse.
Then, my elder sister advised that we get something else to boost our fertility, that was how I found your website and made my order for myself and my husband.
Wow, I was shocked at the speed I conceived, now I am pregnant.
Thank you fertil24 herbals.
My Reproductive Organs Completely Cleared Of Adhesion
My name is Ifunanya from Onitsha. I have been married for 3 years without a baby.
We started running several test which all came out fine except for the HSG report which discovered that one of my tubes was blocked.
The doctor did tubal flushing twice but I still didn’t conceive. I also had laparoscopy surgery done in October 2019 and the doctor said I had dense adhesion covering the whole reproductive organs and that I need to go through another surgery to remove the adhesion to open up my tubes. The doctor also recommended that I go for IVF.
I didn’t want to go under the knife anymore that was how I contacted Fertil24, I showed them the doctor’s report and they recommended some herbal products for me and they assured me everything will be fine.
I repeated the HSG test two months ago and discovered that my both tubes are now open, the doctor was surprised at the result.
My husband and I are so happy. I’m now working towards getting Fermedies Care for Women and Fermedies Female Harmony to enhance my fertility, and I know another miracle is on the way.
Fallopian tube kit opened my blocked tubes

I had 2 ectopic pregnancies that affected my tubes. I was unable to conceive. In 2015 I contacted Fertil 24 services, amazing human beings, they helped me through the process and I bought the Fallopian tube kit 3 months supply. It was delivered to my house in Lagos in a quick time. I used the product as I was instructed and in the 2nd month, my doctor scheduled me for HSG test to check the tubes. To my shock and to the glory of the almighty God my tubes were not only patent but bilaterally opened. See the test result attached.
My hubby and I did the do that month, and the very next month I was pregnant, I had a very healthy pregnancy all through and a natural birth to a handsome baby boy.
Fertil 24 products works and they have excellent staffs who want you to succeed in becoming a parent. I thank God for directing me to their website. God bless you all in Jesus name. Although weeping may endure through the night Joy will surely come in the morning.
It’s Beautiful to Share My Testimony.
Yes, it’s so beautiful to share my testimony. I came in contact with your fertility products through my friend that used your product and got pregnant.
My friend had fertility problems for so many years, and after taking your products, she got pregnant so I told myself that if my friend could get pregnant with the many issues she had, then I can also get pregnant.
She gave me your website address and I went through the products and also the testimonies. Those testimonies gave me more hope, firstly, my friend’s pregnancy is a testimony and then reading those on your website added to the hope I had that I will get pregnant.
I have tried different things, I drank concoctions and made some combo and nothing was working for me.
It all started with hormonal imbalance, then I was diagnosed with staphylococcus infection that I treated for several years. I took injections and so many antibiotics but it kept coming back.
All this time, I will treat myself and my husband will also have to treat himself and then he got tired of treating the same infection over and over again and it was always in acute cases.
Thank God I have a friend who opened up to me to tell me how she got pregnant with your products.
My husband and I started with the infection products and for the first time, the staphylococcus infection was cleared. The result also showed that his sperm count increased and by the following month I got pregnant.
I was staring at my pregnancy test report for more than 30 minutes, it was like a dream.
Indeed, your product works.
Thank you and God bless you all.
My Husband’s Sperm Count Restored Significantly.
We got married and like every other couple, we desired to have our children. The first year passed and the second year was very busy for my husband and me but by the third year, we were more conscious of having children but sadly, nothing was happening.
I went to see my cousin’s doctor and she wrote some tests for me to go for. I went for the tests and the results were fine, there was nothing wrong with me.
Then my cousin’s doctor advised that my husband should also go for a test.
I related everything to my husband and encouraged him to go for his test. He was always busy here and there.
One early morning, we woke up staring at each other, it was our fifth wedding anniversary. It was as though the same thoughts filled our hearts that morning. Oh, it’s now five years and we have still not been able to sort out the issue of childbearing. My husband has not even gone for his test.
That day, my heart was heavy and I decided to check my facebook page, maybe I will see something that will make me laugh. Even though I saw my family and friend’s posts, congratulating me on my wedding anniversary, I could not respond because it is the same people that are asking me why I am not pregnant yet.
Then, I came across the fertil24 facebook page and I started going through their posts, then the website and immediately, I sent an email explaining our issue.
I was asked to do a test that is more current and that since it has taken so long for my husband to run his test, instead of waiting, I should place him on fertility-enhancing treatment and I thought that was a wise one.
I discussed with my husband and he was okay with the idea and that was how we ordered the treatment for both of us. I ordered fertilxtra kit for men for my husband and fertilxtra kit for women for myself.
I did not even know when I conceived, I just discovered that I was pregnant.
By the time my husband finished his kit, he decided to go for a test and it was perfect. That was when he confessed to me that he went for the previous test years ago but the result was bad, that he was given some drugs to take but nothing happened and he didn’t know what to do.
Today, I am a proud mother, may God bless fertil24.
It’s Great To Be Fertile Again.
I have been trying to conceive after I had my first baby and nothing seems to be happening. Then it got to the 4th year and I thought this is no longer normal so I went to see my doctor.
After several tests, I was told that I was not ovulating, and this is the reason I am not getting pregnant.
I was placed on Clomid and other fertility drugs which I took religiously but nothing happened and before I know it, it became 9 years of trying to have another baby with no success.
In all the number of years, there was no time I was relaxed because I know my husband wants more children and I also did not get married to a very young man, at the time my husband and I got married, he wanted to have his children quick but sadly it didn’t happen the way he planned.
My husband was no longer happy with me. I was the cause but it wasn’t what I planned.
I was discussing with a friend that I haven’t seen for a while when she asked if I have heard of Fertil24, and I asked, what is fertil24? Then she told me they are a natural fertility clinic and said I should try them and she gave me the website address as
After a few days, she called me again and asked if I have checked on them and I said no but that after our call I was going to check the website and contact them.
I did send an email to explain my issue and I ordered FertilXtra Kit for Women with OvuCare. Behold, after taking them for about two months, I could not believe what I started seeing. I was seeing that egg white mucus and so much of it and it was the very first time I saw something like that.
This was how I conceived and I am glad that my ovulation got restored and I am fertile again.
Thank you fertil24, you are all the best.
Uterine Adhesion Cleared Completely.
I said from the beginning that I am going to share my testimony because I have faith in FERTIL24 fertility products. When you are faced with fertility problems, it will get to a stage that you will become depressed because you don’t like what is happening to you at that time.
I was becoming depressed facing these problems. It all started with hormonal imbalance when I went to the hospital, this was after trying to conceive for about 3 years plus without success. I battled with it during that period, I was given Clomid to take which I took but nothing happened.
My doctor said I will get pregnant that I should keep trying but when nothing happened, I decided to see another doctor. I did some tests and I was diagnosed with ovarian cysts and uterine adhesion.
Oh, I remembered that day, I felt so bad. I thought that I should be making progress but instead, I am having more issues added. In the process of trying to understand the fertility problems, I went online trying to get terms that will easily describe the problems and if possible the solution, this was how I stumbled on
I saw the treatment for the ovarian cysts and I saw that it will also enhance my fertility to conceive naturally. Then I sent an email to ask for the treatment for uterine adhesion and my email was responded to in less than 3 hours, to let me know the treatment that will be fine for me.
I got the CystCare Kit and the other treatment. I was told to repeat the test after I finish the products in the kit and when I did, the ovarian cyst was no more there and the uterine adhesion showed that it was now a mild uterine adhesion, and no longer the previous severe uterine adhesion.
I scanned the report to the fertility office and I was asked to get more treatment to further treat the uterine adhesion and I did. This was how I got pregnant.
Thank you so much FERTIl24.
Blocked Tubes Opened Naturally.
Blocked Tubes Opened Naturally.
I wanted to get pregnant immediately after marriage and so I tried and tried but it was not happening. After about a year and 2 months, I decided to find out what was the issue.
I went to the hospital and ran several tests and the results were okay. My husband also did his test and we were told that his report was okay. We were told nothing was wrong that we should try more and so we went home trying more.
The more we tried the more it seems nothing was happening but inside of me, I knew something was wrong because we were trying, if something was not wrong, I should have been able to conceive.
Time went so fast, we had tried for 5 years and nothing happened, not even a miscarriage and I just know it was not normal so I decided to go to another hospital.
In this other hospital, we ran so many tests again and nothing was found, then I was asked to go for an HSG test.
I was happy because I am doing something new, I have not done this type of test before. I didn’t know what was waiting for me there.
I went to the diagnostic center for the HSG test and I was booked to come another day for the test. I went on the said date and after the test, the result showed my both tubes were blocked.
I didn’t understand that blocked tubes can be serious to correct, I thought I will swallow some drugs and then it will open. I was asked to come for laparoscopy and I did it.
I was told I will be able to conceive but still, nothing happened and by this time it was about 2 years after the laparoscopy and 7 years put together.
I went back to the hospital and I was told that the tubes are blocked, that I should come again for laparoscopy and that the only solution will be IVF.
Then I decided to look for an alternative solution and this was when I came in contact with FERTIl24 fertility and I was happy to know that they have a kit to unblock the tubes.
I got the blocked fallopian tubes kit and in exactly 3 months, I finished the treatment, then I decided to go for another HSG test and behold my tubes were opened.
I was very happy and that same month, my menses did not return. I got pregnant and today I am a proud mother of a baby boy.
Thank you to FERTIL24 fertility for putting the blocked fallopian tubes kit together and thank you for putting a smile on my face.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Disappeared

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome disappeared.
My name is Adanna Anozie, I am from Imo State. I was having issues with Ovarian Cysts, a serious one.
For over two years I was going to different hospitals. I got to know about this issue about two years ago but all the same, I have been having fertility problems for years.
As I went to the hospital I was diagnosed to have multiple ovarian cysts and my report showed Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. I have been taking so many drugs, and even my doctor said that if I do not treat it, it might lead to cancer so I got scared.
I then went the herbal way, I took so many herbal drugs, still, all was in vain.
So I went online and was doing some research trying to know what I can take to treat the cysts but I couldn’t find. So one day, I found this fertility center, Fertil24.
I made some research about them, they said they are okay. I asked some questions.
Then, I went to Port Harcourt, the address was there on their website and so I used the address to go to Port Harcourt. On reaching there, I met the fertility consultant and explained everything with my results.
She said it’s not a problem, that with my age I can even easily fall pregnant that I may not have to take the treatment up to three months unlike if I was up to 35 or 40. I was 27 years old as at that time.
I was given some treatment which I took back home. I got the CystCare Starter Kit, Organics-G. I was also given Oregano Essential Oil.
I actually browse concerning these product ingredients and found that the herbal was very natural and they were good.
Also for over two or 3 years, I did not have my menses due to the polycystic ovarian syndrome. I always will have to induce my menses before it comes but immediately after taking the treatment everything just normalize.
I started my treatment and after one month and two weeks or thereabout, I just took in. This was exactly according to the consultant.
I was so excited when I discovered that I was pregnant. It was like a miracle and I was like so what this fertility consultant told me was true. I was so happy.
In comparing Fertil24 fertility products to other fertility products I took, I will say Fertil24 products are very good and perfect.
For couples facing fertility issues, I will say try Fertil24 products, you will see what I am seeing, whatever the problem is, just go and try your best and it will work out well.
I gave birth to a bouncing baby girl on the 27th of November, 2018. She is two months old now (as at 28th of January, 2019 when testimony was shared).
My baby is very plumpy, very chubby and bouncing and I am so happy.
Thank you very much Fertil24. I am very grateful, God bless you all.
I Conceived With My Own Eggs At Age 49
I Conceived With My Own Eggs At Age 49. I would like to use this opportunity to thank the fertility consultant, fertil24 and the entire fertility team for the support I got during the course of my treatment.
Where will I start from? It all started at age 30 when I got married, I started having irregular menses, I was not able to say when my next menses will come because it was very irregular.
Sometimes, my menses will come twice in a month and sometimes it will come once in 2 months. Then I knew something definitely must be wrong somewhere so I decided to go do some checks.
Then, the results came out and I was told I have a hormonal imbalance and I was given some sort of medications to correct it. Instead of the medications to correct it things became worse. I started seeing my menses once in 3 months and this went on and on.
About 2 or 3 years later I went for another round of tests and this time, the result showed that I have high FSH, I got to understand that my eggs were poor and not good enough to help me conceive.
I kept taking medications, different medications and I was on this for several years.
I remember about the age of 40, about 10 years into my marriage, I went for another round of test. You know I kept doing these test from time to time and the results were always showing a hormonal imbalance, high FSH but my husband was always okay with his test result.
I have been to different places, from one fertility clinic to another and have done all I know how to do but I could not get pregnant.
I became tired and even frustrated which resulted in self-withdrawal. I stopped attending baby namings, or baby dedications, at a point I didn’t even know what was happening to me.
I was in the market one Saturday morning, this time it was in December 2017 when I ran into an old friend, we used to visit this fertility clinic together and then she asked me about the kids at home. My response was simple, I said there is no kid at home. Then her face changed and she asked, oh you mean you didn’t conceive all these years?
She told me she was done with childbearing and narrated how she and her husband discovered fertil24in early 2013, that after taking the treatment she conceived and had a baby boy the same year. That by the time the son was exactly one year old her husband said she should conceive again. He got another treatment for her, that she conceived again in early 2015 and had a set of twins.
She wanted to give me the office number but she could not find it on her phone because she has changed her phone severally, then she promised to get the number from her husband.
She sent the number to me at night and I didn’t even know when I called that night but I was asked to call during office hours which I did the following day.
Then I placed my order. My first surprise was the delivery of the package, I received it in less than 24 hours.
To my greatest surprise, I conceived the third month of treatment. I discovered I was pregnant a few days after opening the last bottle in the Mature Mummy’s kit.
I conceived with my own eggs at age 49 in March 2018. The pregnancy was without any complication and the delivery was fast. I had a baby boy on December 1st, 2018.
I thank God for providing plants for healing and I thank Fertil24 for harnessing these plants to restore fertility.
Sperm Count Bounced Back In 3 Months
My husband’s sperm count bounced back in 3 months and I am happy we tried your fertility products.
I am Mrs. Onos from Asaba, Delta State. I just clocked 36 years old while my husband is 41. We have been struggling to have children for the past 7 years which was when I was 29 years old.
After the first year of trying to get pregnant, we decided to seek support at the hospital. We ran several tests, my report was okay but that of my husband stated low sperm count about 19 million.
My husband was given drugs to take which he completed but I could not get pregnant.
My husband became worried that we were going through this, he then suggested that we try another hospital which we did. He was also given some medications to boost his sperm.
After some time we went to repeat a semen analysis test hoping to see that the sperm count has increased but we were shocked to see that the sperm count came down to 11 million.
Then I became worried and started seeking a solution. Then we resulted to local means, some of them will give me something to cook for him or they will prepare some liquid for him to drink and also for me, we did all that and I still could not get pregnant.
Several years passed, and I got to 35 years and was not happy because I thought at this age I will be through with giving birth but now I have not even started.
Somehow, my husband got to know about Fertil24 online. He called the office and he said the person that picked asked him how low is his sperm count, then he said the last one he did years back was 11 million.
Then he decided to do another semen analysis just to be sure, only for the report to show 9 million and this really touched him.
Without wasting time, he decided to call the fertil24 office back to tell them the sperm count is now 9 million. Then they told him the fertility kit to get.
That very day he ordered the kit, the name was Daddy’s Kit, I remember telling him that I like the name of the kit because it is going to help him to become a daddy.
True to it, after taking the treatment I got pregnant. My husband was so happy. I had my baby boy in September 2018.
Also, while I was still carrying my pregnancy, my husband did another semen analysis test, because he said he was told to repeat the test after exhausting the kit.
He came home smiling that day and I asked what is happening, he handed a small white envelop to me and said look at it. Then I opened it and saw that the report stated his sperm count to be 54 million, everything was just okay. Then, I decided I must share this testimony.
Thank you fertil24 for bringing joy to my home. I love you all.
Ovarian Cysts, Multiple Fibroids, and Blocked Fallopian Tubes
My reports showed that I have ovarian cysts, multiple fibroids and blocked fallopian tubes. The truth is that I gave up on having children.
I got married at the age of 35 and I and husband wanted to start having children immediately. It all started with Blocked fallopian tubes, after trying for some years to get pregnant, I and my husband went for fertility tests and then it was discovered that my both tubes were blocked. Then the doctor suggested we should go for IVF.
We went for the first IVF and it failed, then after about one year we went for another and it failed again. After these two failed IVF procedures, we were just there trying and hoping I will get pregnant one day.
Then my friend introduced us to this very good gyno, at this time it was about nine years of trying to get pregnant with no success. We went and we were asked to go for several tests which we did. Sadly, the results came out and showed that I have ovarian cysts, multiple fibroids with the blocked tubes that I thought were opened because my doctor did a flush or something but the HSG test showed that the tubes were still blocked.
This means that I have ovarian cysts, multiple fibroids and blocked fallopian tubes, only me, one person. And I thought, can one person have all these fertility problems? where am I going to start from?
This other gyno we were referred to suggested IVF as the only option. Then we went for the third IVF and it failed. By this time I was already depressed, the doctor has said I cannot conceive on my own, the chances for me to have children was very slim, I have too many fertility problems.
My husband came home one day with the news of Fertil24 and said he wants us to give it a try. He said we don’t have anything to lose after all we have tried multiple IVF that did not do my system any good that this one will do our bodies good. He has gone through the website and was very okay with it.
We went to the office and while going through fertility consultation narrating my case and my reports looked at, I remembered looking at the consultant’s face while carefully listening to her. She further explained the issues to me and then said to me, that all I need to do now is to focus on having my body back, that the pregnancy will be easily achieved when my body is okay.
My husband was very comfortable with that because he wants my body to be okay. My whole system changed after going through those IVF procedures. Now that we have seen something that will make me feel better, that was good enough.
Then we started taking the treatment that will open up my tubes, treat the cysts and fibroid. I did the first four months and the consultant asked that I go for HSG test and a scan to see how I have progressed.
I went for the HSG test. I have made progress, one tube was completely opened, this was the left tube. The right tube was not fully opened. The scan report has also improved, the cysts were no longer there and the fibroid sizes reduces drastically.
I was happy with my result and was also feeling okay with my body. We went with the new result to see the consultant and she said I have to push further.
We got more treatment for two months. While I was on the last bottle, one morning I woke up throwing up and by the time I put myself together, I called the consultant and I was asked to go for a fertility test.
Behold, the result came out positive. After 11 years of trying to conceive, I finally get a positive pregnancy test report. My baby will be due in February 2019. Many, many thanks to Fertil24.
Please keep up the good works!
Secondary Infertility For 10 Years
I battled secondary infertility for 10 years. I had my first child in the year 2007 and then one year after I decided to have another pregnancy. I was consciously trying to get pregnant, calculating my ovulation days and all of that but nothing seems to be happening.
Two years later, precisely in 2009 I decided to go to the clinic to complain to my doctor and I was told to keep trying since I was not taking any family planning, I should get pregnant soon, the doctor said. I was given some medications to help the process.
I took all the medications and for several months nothing happened. I went to see another fertility doctor someone referred me to, this time around it was in 2010. I ran all the test I was asked to do and then whe the result came out, it was termed secondary infertility.
By this time my daughter has started school, after dropping her in school going back home will be too boring. I was doing my own business so had all the time and needed to have another baby so I can get through with childbearing and face my business but the pregnancy seems not to be coming forth.
In 2014, about 6 years of trying to conceive without success, now my daughter was already 7 years old. I found myself going from place to place, I needed to intensify efforts to get pregnant but the more I tried the more it seems nothing is happening.
Then my daughter started asking me for another sister, she said she is the only one that does not have a sister in her class, then she will begin to cry and when someone asks her why she was crying she would say my mother refuse to give me a sister.
What kind of a thing is this? I would ask myself. I started trying to have another baby just one year after having my daughter, why is this happening to me, I would ask.
Then it became 10 years of trying to have another baby, in January 2018, I was going through facebook when I saw fertil24 facebook page, I saw the beautiful post there and quickly navigated to the website and went through the pages.
I sent an email and it was responded to in less than 3 hours and I was so impressed. I placed my order and started taking my treatment. I took Fertilxtra for women, Antioxi-D, Organics-G, they were all in a kit.
By end of March, I discovered that I was pregnant. My pregnancy started growingand my daughter was so happy to know that I am carrying a baby I there.
It was indeed a baby sister, she came on December 15th, 2018.
My joy is full. Thank you Fertil24.
Ovarian Cysts & Multiple Fibroids Disappeared
My scan report showed ovarian cysts and multiple fibroids. I never knew I will ever face fertility problems because I never wanted to.
I was happy I got married at the age of 25 and I thought by the age of 30, I will be done with childbearing, even if I had to be having them every year.
Everything I planned did not work, instead, I started hearing stories. It all started in the year 2010 when I went to see a gyno who placed me on clomid to help me ovulate so I can get pregnant, this was after waiting for 12 months of actively trying to conceivebecause I wedded in 2009.
I took the clomid for 3 cycles and nothing happened. I went back again to the gyno and I was to continue with the clomid with other medication, I did this for another 3 cycles. Still, nothing happened.
Then I left that gyno for another who also placed me on the same clomid for 2 cycles but still, I couldn’t get pregnant.
One morning, I started feeling pains in my abdomen, I went to the clinic and was asked to do a scan which I did. The report showed ovarian cysts and I just did not understand because what I wanted was to get pregnant then which one is ovarian cysts?
This was the first time of hearing something like ovarian cysts, and it was found in my scan report instead of finding pregnancy that I have been going to the hospital for.
Then I went to explain to one nurse that has a chemist close to my house and she told me that the ovarian cysts were likely caused by the clomid I have been taking. Then it occurred to me that I have used my both hands and legs to caused trouble for myself because I was the one that went to the hospital even in that 2009 that I wedded, though I was asked to wait for 12 months. Then I started taking clomid that have caused me trouble.
I still did not stop there, I kept going from one hospital to another so I can find a solution to get pregnant. Then it got to 2015 when I was asked to do a scan in this particular hospital. The report came out and showed that I have ovarian cysts and multiple fibroids. Oh, I remembered that day, it was a very sad day for me.
Then I started going from place to place, drinking whatever I was asked to drink and still, nothing happened. This prolonged for several years. Then it was now 2017 and it was my husband’s 40th birthday. We decided to mark it with some family and friends and so sent out the invitation.
My sister-in-law came in and walked straight to my room and the first thing she said was, is it an adult birthday you should be celebrating instead of celebrating your child’s birthday?
This came as a blow to me, and I knew the insults has started coming in. This was one of the reasons I didn’t want to have issues with fertility because I know sometimes it comes with insults.
Oh, I cried that evening not knowing that the insult came as a blessing in disguise. My husband’s friend who came with the pregnant wife walked straight to the kitchen to get water for the wife.
Then the wife grabbed my hands to a corner and was like, why are your eyes red like this, bring your makeup let me cover it, you should look finer than this, it’s your husband’s 40th birthday.
She just went on and on, then I told her what my sister-in-law said.
She too was shocked, why on that day? Then she said, don’t worry, we are owing you a gift. She said she too passed through some fertility challenge and then she ordered some treatment from fertil24 that got her pregnant.
My eyes lit up because I was seeing the pregnancy live. There and there, she brought out her phone and called fertil24 office and asked me to go ahead to explain my fertility issues. I did and she ordered the kit for me as my husband’s birthday present.
In exactly 2 months after taking the treatment, I got pregnant same 2017. I put to bed a baby boy in July 2018 and have gone for a scan after birth that showed no ovarian cysts and fibroids.
After struggling to get pregnant for 8 years, Ovarian Cysts and Multiple Fibroids Disappeared.
Thank you Fertil24. Now I can celebrate my child’s birthday!
It’s A Bouncing Baby Boy & A Pretty Baby Girl
It’s A Bouncing Baby Boy & A Pretty Baby Girl. I promised I will be sending you people at fertil24 my testimony before getting your fertility treatment and I am glad I am doing that today.
I will try to keep my success story short because it is a long story. It has been from one fertility clinic to another, from one state to another. You know the most annoying thing is that I have always been told everything is okay with me, my doctor would say, you are okay, just go and relax and soon you should get pregnant.
I started hearing all that when I was in my early 30s and then I got to my late 30s and it was the same “go and relax” talk. Then when I clocked 42, I went to repeat all the tests again including the HSG test, again all the reports came out okay. Also, my husband’s report was okay and has always been okay just like mine.
Then, I began to think, wouldn’t it be better if my report is not okay, so I can have something to be battling with instead of being okay and still I can’t get pregnant for 12 years? I was totally confused and tired of taking different drugs for years.
Then one day I called my friend who is also a medical doctor and I was bitterly complaining that I don’t know what to do any longer and I was shocked when she told me that I should be grateful that I have not developed any problem as a result of taking those drugs for all these years and I said really?
Then I knew it was time to stop taking drugs even though I didn’t have a clear picture of what I should do concerning my case.
One early morning, my younger sister who is working in Ghana called me and after the normal greetings she said, aunty I am pregnant, and I said, oh congratulations. The next thing she said was that I didn’t call you because of me but because of you and I said how do you mean?
Then she told me of how she has been trying to conceive and that she finally got pregnant with fertil24 fertility treatments that she will really want me to try these supplements, that they are very good. Then she sent me the fertility consultant’s number to call so I can explain my case.
I was really skeptical because all my life, I have never known anything like natural fertility, all I know is to swallow drugs, I didn’t know there are other things that can support fertility apart from swallowing drugs.
Then the following morning, I called the fertility consultant, I introduced my self and called my sister’s name and then she introduced herself as Benney Ojo, she was so soft and friendly.
I explained my case, it was a long conversation but she was so patient and even gave me words of comfort and recommended treatment for myself and husband to enhance our fertility. At the end of that conversation, I felt relieved.
I ordered the Mature Mummy’s kit which is a three months fertility treatment and even ordered an extra bottle of Fertilxtra for women and also got my husband’s treatment. Then we started taking our treatment every day, the process was very interesting because we were taking the treatment together.
Then it happened, a week after opening the fourth bottle of Fertilxtra for women. I missed my period, it was like a dream missing my period for the very first time in 12 years of trying to get pregnant.
I confirmed the pregnancy by going for a pregnancy test. Then my pregnancy started growing, it was like a dream.
I put to bed on August 11th, 2018, it was on a Saturday and I had a boy and a girl. God blessed me with a set of twins.
Thank you fertil24.
Free From Ovarian Cysts And Absent Menses
I am free from ovarian cysts and absent menses
Greetings to you all at FERTIL-24. I am happy that I am sharing my testimony to you and to tell others not to give up when trying to get pregnant.
I got married almost late at the age of 36 and so wanted to start having babies immediately. I consciously started trying to conceive on my wedding night because I thought I was fertile on that day due to my calculation and I was praying that I will become pregnant but it was not so.
I kept trying every month to no success and by the 6th month I decided to go to the hospital to run some checks, I needed to know if there are issues so I can sort it out. So I thought, not knowing that it was not going to be easy.
I was diagnosed with ovarian cysts and was given drugs to take home. I took the drugs and by the following month, my menses skipped. I thought it has happened that I have fallen pregnant. I was waiting for my pregnancy to grow, carrying myself like I was pregnant.
By the following month, there were no signs of pregnancy so I decided to do a pregnancy test and it stated negative. I was not pregnant and yet no menses so I decided to go back to the doctor.
He looked at my case and said oh, it is because of the ovarian cysts that it has resulted in absent menses and that is the reason my menses has refused to come.
I was devastated, I wanted to start having babies immediately and now I am presented with the different fertility challenge. I was given more drugs to go home with.
My menses came and skipped again and it became on and off. Whenever I don’t take the drugs, I won’t have my menses and I was made to understand that the drugs were to be helping my menses to come. I did this all through the year to the next year and before I knew it, I was 38 years old.
This is not what I want since I want to get pregnant, inducing my menses every month is not going to help me get pregnant so I decided to stop the drugs.
My colleague who just had a baby invited me for the naming. It was on a Friday and we were to go to his house together after work. On getting there, I decided to go straight to the wife who was attending to the baby at that time.
We started gisting before the naming will start and then I quickly told her about my fertility challenge then she told me about fertil24 and said she also had some challenge and got some treatment to enhance her fertility from their website. She gave me the website address. I quickly opened the site and bookmarked it on my phone.
I got the cystcare kit to treat the ovarian cysts and balance my hormones and the cycle regularize to help with my menses naturally without having to induce it. My menses started coming on its own and I got pregnant in the fourth month.
My baby was born on July 5th, 2018, she is so pretty. It was good I honored my colleague’s invitation that day.
Thank you.
Got Pregnant Naturally & With Fibroid Seedlings
I got pregnant naturally and with fibroid seedlings. I got to know about your fertility center when I was searching for a fertility solution online. I spent a lot of time on your website on that very day going through the various fertility treatment description.
I was really happy with what I saw, I am also a medically inclined person so I was also able to relate with some terms used on your website and so I decided to come over to your office since I am based in Port Harcourt.
The very next day I made my way to your office, I was experiencing severe abdominal pains while under my menses, I have been suffering this for years now. Sometimes I end up not being able to go to work trying to manage the pains at home.
I actually came to the office that day to see what will stop the pain because I have used so many drugs and the pain keeps coming back. This was now more than menstrual cramp because it was all over my waist, coming down my legs.
I remember during the process of consultation I was asked if I was also trying to conceive and I said yes. Even though I was trying to conceive and have been trying for some number of years now, the pain was almost more of a concern. I wanted it off my back.
All the test I did said I was okay and my husband was also okay. And I was given treatment to work on the pains and also FertilXtra Starter kit for women to enhance my fertility.
By the next month, I discovered that the pain has completely stopped and I was so happy. I even went to work while I was under my menses and I thought this is a miracle and praying for it to be permanent, no more pains.
I work in a diagnostic center and decided to do a scan since I am no longer feeling the pains. I wanted to have a satisfactory report, no pain, and a clean scan report. By the time I did the scan, the report showed that I have seedlings of fibroid.
I remember I came straight to your office to show the fertility consultant the scan report and when I was attended to, my previous scan report was looked at which state no fibroid and the current one says there was fibroid. I was told that it is always better to confirm a report in another diagnostic center but that sometimes, even after confirming the report, they both can state different issues.
I was advised to continue with FertilXtra for women, I remember vividly that the fertility consultant said since I am on FertilXtra for the second month now, that my body has already absorbed the treatment and she is going to allow FertilXtra to do its work by supporting my fertility and helping me fall pregnant instead of altering my treatment at this time.
I was also told that since the scan report shows fibroid seedlings, that when I get pregnant and put to bed that the fibroid may no longer be there due to hormonal changes as a result of the pregnancy.
I did as I was told and that was it. I conceived that month, exactly 2 months after taking FertilXtra for women treatment. I conceived in March 2018 and put to bed on November 30th, 2018.
I am really happy and I want to say a big thank you to you all at FERTIL-24. Please publish my testimony on time.
My Tubes Are No Longer Blocked
My name is Osayamen Edosa. I am from Benin City, Edo State. I decided to send you people my testimony because I read other people’s testimony and I was happy for them and I want to also share my own testimony with other people so that they will be happy for me.
You see, ignorance can really keep someone in bondage, in fact, it has kept me in bondage for so many, many years.
In 2014, I was told by my doctor that my both tubes are blocked after I went for HSG test and I said, okay what is the way out? I was told I have to go for IVF and the cost of the IVF was very high and I thought where will I get that kind of money from?
Apart from the tubes that were now blocked, I already have a problem with my ovulation, I have not been ovulating well and in some months I don’t ovulate at all. I have gone to the hospital and taken so many drugs including clomid but it didn’t help me ovulate.
I have taken concoctions from these local Bini women and have taken several things but nothing seems to be working.
This was what I thought I was battling with for about 6 years now since I got married in 2012 until I was told in 2014 that my tubes were blocked.
I went home not knowing what to do and I was just there. The way my doctor said it, it was as though nothing else can be done apart from the IVF.
Even though the IVF cost was high, I thought of trying to gather or borrow the money for it, after all, what is the use of having the money if no child to enjoy it? my mum will always remind me of this in my local dialect, but my elder sister was always telling me that the possibility of a successful IVF was slim since I have always been having problems with ovulation and if I go and borrow money for it and it fails, I may become depressed.
Several years went by until I met my half-sister in the market who told me about FERTIL-24, she said her colleague got a kit from their office and she was able to conceive, that I should give a try.
I got the blocked fallopian tubes kit and finished the treatment. I went for another HSG test and my tubes were no longer blocked. I called the FERTIL-24 office and I was told to start trying to conceive. I was also asked to order Fertilxtra for women with Evening Primrose Oil to support my ovulation and that was how I conceived.
Pregnancy for me was very beautiful, my baby was born on October 6th, 2018. I had a handsome baby boy.
I am really happy and for those that will read my testimony, if you are trying to conceive just go ahead and get your kit and if you are already taking your treatment, keep taking it until you conceive.
Thank you so much.
I Got My Menses Back After Many Years
I got my menses back. Dear FERTIL-24, I am sending this email to thank you for your supplement and support during the process of taking the treatment I got from your fertility center.
It all started in my adolescent age when I started seeing my menses, I will flow for a particular month, then the following month my menses will skip and it will come again in one month’s time or even two.
This was the pattern for a long time and I thought it was like this for every woman. One day I was gisting with my mum and I mentioned it and my mother shouted and said, why didn’t I tell her about it? and I said I thought there was nothing wrong with me flowing that way and she said, no Ada, something is wrong somewhere and we must have to see a doctor.
My mother took me to the hospital and we I explained how I have been flowing to the doctor on duty. I was asked to go for tests which I did and the result showed that I have a hormonal imbalance.
I thought what is a hormonal imbalance again? anyway, I was given drugs to take. I went home with my mum thinking that everything will be fine after taking the drugs but I was wrong, it was the beginning of trouble.
My menses started skipping that in four months it will not flow. I started seeing my menses 3 times in a year, this was something that most women call monthly flow but in my case, it wasn’t. I went to different hospitals and the issue was the same.
Then I finished secondary school and then finished university, and started working, nothing changed. I met this guy who got attracted to me and started talking about marriage, then my heart started panting. At this stage, I was 29 but was not thinking about marriage at all because of my issue.
I have always been avoiding guys because I don’t want this marriage of a thing, and now this guy was not ready to take no for an answer so I had to tell him what has been happening to me concerning my menses since adolescent.
I was shocked when he asked me if that was why I kept telling him no and I said yes. He said I shouldn’t worry that when we get to that stage of our lives of having children, we will cross it together.
We went ahead for the wedding and we became husband and wife. To cut the long story short, several years passed and the issue didn’t really change. I was going from one hospital to the other trying to correct my menses so I can easily conceive.
At this time, I was 36 years old and became tired of taking different drugs and then I have developed other fertility issues like ovarian cysts and sometimes scan will show polycystic ovarian disease.
Then I decided to stop taking drugs, I have been taking different drugs for years since about age 12 when my menses started. I had to talk to myself, that it is better to be taking something natural than taking these drugs. That was when I discovered FERTIL-24 and consulted by sending an email to explain my case.
I was told I will have to do multiple fertility cleanse because I have been on drugs for a long time. The Cycle Regularize Kit was recommended. I got the kit and while I was on it I started feeling the signs of the menses trying to come back.
I finished the kit but the menses was yet to return and then I got another one month supply. I was on it when my menses came back and then I finished that and got another monthly supply, my menses came again the following month and again the following month.
I started having my menses come consecutively for four months, I now know what other women call monthly period for the first time since the onset of my menses.
I had wonderful support from the fertility center and then one day I called the fertility consultant Benney Ojo and shared my progress so far that I have been having my menses every month and then she said it is time to start trying for a baby and then she switched my treatment.
I stopped taking Cycle Regularize and started taking FertilXtra for women, my menses came for that month and by the following month, I became pregnant.
Oh, I just didn’t know what to do, other than to start crying. I am doing very well with my pregnancy and when my baby is born, I am going to send you my baby picture.
Thank you FERTIL-24.
My Miracle baby

My name is Chidinma, am 26 years of age. I greet you all in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit Amen.
I just want to testify what God has done for me and how He used fertil24 to answer my prayer. You know when u pray and ask God for something, He doesn’t come down from heaven to answer, but he uses people to meet to that your need, and that is how God used fertil24 to meet to my own need.
I got married in 2014 and at the age of 22years. My plan was to start giving birth immediately and God’s willing to finish before 30 years. I conceived after 2months of marriage but lost the pregnancy at 6weeks, and ever since then, I couldn’t conceive. I went to the hospital and my gyno said I would have to go through medical examinations. I went through some examinations like pelvic scan, hormonal profile, Hsg and follicular counting. After all the examinations my gyno said my womb is OK, hormones balanced, my tubes patent (open) and I ovulate well. He gave me folic acid and said I should go and keep trying. My hubby went for sperm counting and was OK. I was very devastated because I don’t know what my problem was.
I met a friend that told me about fertil24 but I was reluctant about it, but one day I decided to go to their office. I got to their office and met Mrs. Benney Ojo, the Fertility Consultant and after discussing with her she gave me Fertilxtra starter kit for women and after one month of taking the supplement I conceived and gave birth to my son in April 2017.
After I conceived my baby I couldn’t hold my joy, I called my friend abroad who have been trying to conceive but to no avail. She has been married for 6 years, tried IVF twice and they both failed. I told her about fertil24. She called the fertility consultant and paid for her supplements and that of her hubby and it was sent to them. The miracle here is that after two months of taking her supplements religiously, my friend who has been trying to conceive for the past 6 years and has had two failed IVF procedures, at some point she even lost hope and was planning for a surrogate, conceived and gave birth to her bundle of joy also in 2017.
My friend, on the other hand, introduced her co-wife who has been trying to conceive 11 years after given birth to her first child. She took the Fertil24 supplements, conceived and gave birth to twins (a boy and a girl) in January 2018.
Fertil24 is indeed a lifesaver but you might not understand if you’ve not looked for the fruit of the womb. The most annoying thing is seeing people that got married after you got married dedicating their children. Oh! boy that feeling is very sad and heartbreaking. It’s not that you’re not happy for the couple but you wished you have a child to call your own. I thank God today that the feeling is now a thing of the past, I now know what it feels like to be a mother and also experience the joy of motherhood. I wouldn’t have experienced all these if not for God and fertil24.
God bless you Madam Ojo for putting smiles on the faces of so many women like me.
Long live Fertil24.
Baby Boy After Five Years

I have been married for 5 years with no child. During this period, I and hubby went for several medical tests and took medications as directed. But to no avail. Sometimes I will not see my menstrual cycle for straight 3 months and we will think it is pregnancy. But all pregnancy test indicated negative.
Further medical tests revealed I had fibroid and I was already at d verge of operating it before I ran into fertil24 online.
I sent a mail to them on the challenges I had and I was told to buy Fibrocare kit for myself and Fertilxtra kit for men for my hubby to boost his count.
As we were finishing the three months supply, to the glory of God, I was pregnant. I gave birth to a bouncing baby boy on November 30th, 2017.
Thank you fertil24 for being a blessing to mankind. God bless you.
I Just Delivered a Bouncing Baby Boy
I just delivered a bouncing baby boy. My name is Mrs. Amen Igbinovia. I am sending you this testimony to let you know that I just delivered a bouncing baby boy on the 27th of April, 2017.
I and my baby are doing very well. I would also like to use this opportunity to thank all of you over there, especially the fertility consultant who not only recommended the fertility treatment that helped me conceive but also supported me during my pregnancy.
Knowing that my hormones were not okay to conceive shocked me because I thought I was very okay, I always watched what I eat, tried to keep fit and all that but thank God I found your fertility company.
This is my first baby and the support I got from your fertility company was amazing.
God bless you all.
Someone Gave Me Your Company Contact
I got back from India when someone gave me your company contact. From the very first day I came to your office, I said to myself “I am also going to share my testimony” because the lady that gave me your contact shared her testimony with me though she said she is yet to send her testimony and today I am sending my testimony to you people.
Like I discussed with the fertility consultant, I have been married for 9 years now without a miscarriage let alone a baby. I have never missed my period for one day. I was in a relationship with my man without getting pregnant for one day, we dated for about 5 to 6 years. This got me worried when we were planning to come together as man and wife, I remembered discussing it with my mother who said I shouldn’t allow that to bother me that nothing was wrong but inside of me I was suspecting that something will likely be wrong somewhere.
After marriage, I tried and tried to conceive without success, then I knew I had to start seeing a gynecologist I was introduced to this very good gyno who checked me and after several tests, I was told I was not ovulating and was placed on some drugs but nothing worked.
I changed from one gynecologist to another here in Nigeria and nothing worked, that was how I was introduced to a gynecologist in India and myself and husband booked to see him in India. I was treated and after the treatment in India, we came back to Nigeria and still, nothing worked.
By this time I was not really happy with my body, it was like my whole system was no longer working well, this I could tell and I was beginning to tell myself that I have taken too many drugs and injections so going for IVF procedures with all those injections was something I was not ready for. At this point, all I wanted was to get my body back and that was how I ran into someone that gave me your company contact. She told me since what I desire is to get my body back that the best treatment for me now is natural fertility treatment and that FERTIL24 fertility treatment is the best natural fertility treatment she knows, that she has tried it and she knows some other men and women who have achieved success using your fertility treatment.
That was how I came to your office and started my treatment, I got the Mummy’s kit which contains FertilXtra for women, the powerful fertility supplement that regulated my ovulation. For the very first time in my life, I noticed I was ovulating when I saw this slippery thing, and I was like is this it? It was even the very first month of taking your treatment that I started ovulating and by the second month, it increased very well.
I conceived the third month and this was the first time ever I got pregnant. I am happy and grateful to Almighty God.
Thank you FERTIL24.
We All Got Pregnant With Your Fertility Products
I got married in the year 2013 at the age of 26 which I thought was early and so will not have any issues with fertility but I was wrong. My wedding was on Saturday, October 5th, 2013, after my wedding I said to myself that by November 5th or so, I should be pregnant, I never knew I was just doing my own calculations.
I started going to the hospital early even before my first year wedding anniversary because I wanted to know why I was not getting pregnant but the doctors I met said I should keep trying that I have not tried enough.
I tried and tried for a complete 2 years without getting pregnant, this time it was December 2015, that was when I knew something definitely was wrong somewhere.
I went back to the hospital, the doctor asked me to run a series of test which I did and it was discovered that I have a hormonal imbalance. The doctor placed me on different drugs but nothing happened, that was when I decided to go online to see if there is anything that will help. I saw different companies but my spirit attracted me to your company and so I decided to follow my instincts.
I sent a mail asking for what to take for hormonal imbalance and got products recommended for me. I ordered the FertilXtra kit for women and followed instructions on how to take. I took my treatment religiously and then got pregnant.
My very close friend also has been trying to have a baby, she was always having miscarriages. I told her about my treatment and so when I conceived I also told her that I have conceived with your fertility products and then told her to call to know what to take. Because this time around she was no longer conceiving.
She called and then ordered her own treatment. She conceived and for the first time carried her pregnancy for more than 5 months that was when we knew she will be able to carry to full term.
There is this my friend’s aunt who is almost 46 years old and have not been pregnant before, my friend told her about your fertility products, that it has helped both of us conceive and that she is progressing well with her pregnancy, that she should try it. She did and she also got pregnant.
This my friend’s aunt also told her friend that is 49 years old and that her friend is pregnant now after taking your fertility product.
I told my friend I have to let you people know about this, we all got pregnant with your fertility products. I missed my period around May 2016 and put to bed a baby boy on 16th February 2017.
My friend put to bed on the 4th of April, a baby girl. As at the time of sending this testimony the other women are still carrying their pregnancies, so we are waiting for them to have their babies, but we are all doing well.
We all got pregnant with your fertility products, thank you FERTIL-24 for your fertility treatment that works, it worked for all of us.
My Pastor Said I Will Conceive Soon, and I Conceived
I am very happy sending my testimony to you people. I have been trying to conceive for 12 years and have gone to several places but still could not get pregnant. I passed through one fertility problem to another.
My doctor said I had fibroid which I removed, he placed me on Clomid and said I will do it for 2 cycles but at the end, I did not get pregnant. He then gave me for another cycle, still no pregnancy.
I got tired and stopped seeing my doctor praying that one day I will get pregnant but after one year of trying again with no success, I decided to go back to my doctor this time around it was November 2015. My doctor checked me and said I have an ovarian cyst and that they were multiple cysts and these ones will not make me get pregnant. I was angry, I thought I went there to try to conceive again but now it was another problem I got. I left my doctor’s office and went home feeling very sad. That day was on a Friday and it was our prayer service in church so I decided I must have to go to church to pray so as to feel better.
I got to church early that evening before the prayer service and as I was entering my church compound, my pastor was coming in, so he asked to see me.
I went to see him in his office and the first thing he asked me was what the issue was and that I am looking very sad. I had to pour my heart to him and explained that I have been on this fertility problem for 12 years now and it has been on and on.
After everything, my pastor gave me your website and told me his wife got your fertility products to help enhance her fertility, that I should contact your company for further details and said I should not worry, I will conceive soon.
I sent an email to state my fertility problems and I got a response telling me the products that will help me. I ordered and received my package on time. I remembered calling your company to thank you for delivery on time.
I felt so much better taking your products and that was it. I am pregnant.
My pastor’s wife delivered a baby girl and I am praying mine should be a baby girl also.
Thank you FERTIL24.
This is My Own Testimony
This is my own testimony. I want to use this opportunity to say thank you to fertilconsult team. I came across your website when searching online for natural solutions to help me conceive and decided to give it a try even though I have used some other herbal products, I also know that all herbal products are not produced the same so I decided to try yours and I am thankful to God that I tried.
My issue was about my menses, it was always coming late and the colour was almost black but when I took treatment from you the first month I noticed the colour became better and then by the following month it was normal red colour and this same month I noticed I was ovulating.
That was how I missed my period and now I am 6 months gone. I have told my friends trying to conceive to come to get your fertility products, I know they will also conceive because your fertility products work.
Thank you so much.
My Doctor Recommended Your Oregano Oil to Me
I have been having this infection that makes pus come out of my organ, I mean my penis. I have been to so many hospitals and taken so many antibiotics but it keeps repeating itself.
I went to see this particular doctor and after discussing with him, I told him how I have treated and treated the infection because I was already getting tired of this problem, then he wrote on a piece of paper Oregano Essential Oil (FERTIL24) and said I should go and get the oil from FERTIL24.
I told him I have never heard of the oil before and then he told me it is a powerful natural antibiotic and then gave me your office number.
I came to your office to get the oil but I must confess that I was using it without believing in it and it is this oil that eventually cured the infection.
I am so touched by what this powerful oil did that I said I have to let you know and say thank you.
My Tubes Are Open and I Am Pregnant
I have been trying to conceive for about one year and 2 months. I got married at age 36 and wanted to start having children but nothing happened, then about 7 months into marriage I went to the hospital but was told to keep trying till one year, that if after one year I don’t conceive it will be termed infertility.
I went to the same hospital again after I did not conceive in one year. We were asked to do a series of test and my HSG test showed that my both tubes were blocked.
I was depressed knowing that it was the blockage that has been preventing me from getting pregnant and by this time I was 37 and really wanted to have my kids before age 40 because the earlier the better for me.
Somehow my husband managed to discuss it with his friend, a female colleague and asked her if she know of any good hospital that can help and because I was depressed my husband didn’t want to push me to go to the hospital, I just wanted to be all by myself so he decided to ask some friends if they know of any place that can help. That was how my husband’s colleague told him of FERTIL24, that she used fertil24 fertility products whenever she wants to conceive, now she has 3 kids and she said she is done with childbearing that my husband should get the products for me.
My husband got the products first even before discussing it with me, at this time I was no longer looking happy and didn’t even know how bad it was showing. He came home after work one evening with a package in his hand and handed it to me, I then asked what it was and he happily said it contains fertility products that will help open up my tubes and then I laughed because I wasn’t expecting anything like that.
I opened the package, looked at the products and liked what I saw, then brought out the manual and started reading. That same day I started taking the treatment.
The period I finished the treatment was when I was putting things together to open my shop and because of this, I did not tell my husband that the treatment has finished. I was waiting to settle down in my shop first so that if I need to take more treatment then I can concentrate better.
This took about two months and by the time I started going to my shop, I noticed that once I open my shop I will begin to sleep. That surprised my husband because I have always wanted to open this shop, so how come I now go there to sleep. One night as we were discussing the sleep issue, he asked me if I was through with taking the treatment and I then remembered that I am yet to tell him it has finished. He then asked me to call the fertility consultant so we know what next to do and because it was already late I told him I will call the following day.
The following day, I called the fertility consultant and I was asked to explain how my menses has been month after month, that was when I realized that I have not had menses for more than one month. I was asked to go for a pregnancy test. My heart skipped as I immediately remembered the sleep issue.
Behold, my pregnancy test came out positive, my tubes are open and I am pregnant.
I and husband are very happy. Thank you FERTIL24.
Scan Shows No Fibroid.
My name is Mrs. Dike Gladys, based in Port Harcourt. I wanted to come to your office to thank every one of you there and drop my testimony but for the time at work so I decided to go online to send my testimony from your website
Firstly, I was surprised when I got to know from a friend in Lagos that got pregnant with your products, that you are in Port Harcourt where I am and I am here looking for a solution to conceive.
My friend’s baby is almost 2 years old now, then she ordered your product again and conceived the second time. She said that she does not want to waste time at all in childbearing because she was facing infertility issues before she found your fertility company. It was the day she went to do a pregnancy test and found she was pregnant I ran into her while shopping in Ajao Estate. When she told me your company is in Port Harcourt, I was surprised because I am based in same Port Harcourt.
I have done the fibroid surgery once but the fibroid grew back and this time it was multiple fibroids and then decided to look for a natural solution to it.
The day I came to your office I was at peace with myself and full of joy because of the encouragement I got from the fertility consultant who recommended Fibrocare Kit for me.
After exhausting the kit, I went for a scan and it was one small fibroid that was seen, the treatment was able to remove two fibroid sizes. Since there was no more supplement to take I came to your office (if you can remember that day I was really happy that I am progressing well) and got more treatment and I was told to start trying to conceive. That same month was when I conceived.
My pregnancy is 7 weeks old now and scan shows NO FIBROID and also I am doing very well.
Thank you so much.
I Conceived For the First Time In 15 Years
I have been trying to conceive for almost 15 years now and have done all I know how to do and visited so many hospitals with no success.
My mother-in-law that was my friend all these years gave up on me and became my enemy.
It all started from a hormonal imbalance to fibroid. I did myomectomy to remove the fibroid but the fibroid came back again. My husband encouraged me to go for another surgery to remove the fibroid which I did and by this time we were 14 years in marriage. The doctor said after the surgery I will be able to conceive but the pregnancy never came after one year of the surgery but instead, I was told the fibroid is trying to grow back when I went to see my gyno for a checkup and I became fed up.
I got married on my birthday at age 25 and it was my birthday again, I was already 40 with no child in marriage. All through that day, I was deep in thoughts when something said, “pick your phone” I picked up my phone not really knowing what to do with it, somehow my hands went to the browser and my WIFI was on. I don’t know what I typed, all I saw on my screen was google searched results and I saw this fertility company And I thought how did I get here?
I searched the website and saw something that suits my age group called Mummy’s Kit and also Matured Mummy’s Kit and then found a number to call to recommend the best for me.
The lady said since the fibroid is in its early stage trying to come back, I can enhance my fertility to conceive and recommends the Matured Mummy’s Kit since this kit will suppress the fibroid cells and enhance my fertility to conceive naturally.
I took the treatment, they were quite easy for me to take and by the fourth month, I conceived for the very first time in 15 years.
God is faithful.
We Are Happy We Got a Positive Pregnancy Test Report
I and husband have been trying to conceive for about 5 years now, we have done a series of tests that say we are both okay but still, we have been struggling to have a baby.
My husband works in a diagnostic center, almost every quarter we repeat these fertility tests and they come out okay. I became tired of doing these test, if we are okay then why am I not getting pregnant?
One Sunday evening we were in the sitting room watching a movie when a family friend knocked at the door, my husband went for the door and as he walked in, we noticed that he was holding a flier and we asked him what the flier was about.
I was surprised when he sat down and started telling us that his wife is 3 weeks pregnant (they have been trying to conceive for about 3 and half years now), that the flier came with the product he ordered for his wife 2 months ago from fertil24 in Port Harcourt and that the wife still have some of the supplements she was taking but she is already pregnant. He said he brought the flyer to give to us so that we can also get the product and see how it goes.
My husband collected the flier from him and told him we are going to look at it. When he left, we looked at the flyer front and back, and then my husband asked me to call the number on the flier. I put a call through and the lady that picked asked me to explain my fertility issues which I did. She told me the treatment that will be okay for me and said my husband should also take treatment to enhance his fertility since we are both okay.
The next day my husband paid for the treatment and it was delivered to my shop at Ikoyi, Lagos.
By the evening of the day I received my order we went through the manual and started taking the treatment.
The very day I finished my 3 months kit, I was feeling somehow, then decided to do a pregnancy test when I found that I was pregnant. I immediately called my husband.
I am 6 months pregnant and doing well with my pregnancy. I decided to send my testimony and say thank you FERTIL24 for your fertility supplement that works.
My Doctor Said I Will Not Be Able to Conceive Again.
I came across your fertility company when searching for natural fertility remedies to help me conceive on Google. I went through the both of your websites, and and I thought this is too good to be true because my doctor said I will not be able to conceive again.
I took my time to look at your product combinations, and it was clear to me that they will work effectively but because I have been told I will not be able to conceive again, I told myself the products are not meant for me.
Two months later I was having severe waist pain and then I remember I saw some essential oils on your website for pains and so I went back to your website to check again. Then I decided to try the essential oils because I was tired of taking drugs for just everything.
By the evening of that day, the pain has moved to my lower abdomen and immediately I picked my phone to call, to order for the essential oils for pain not knowing that this call will bring the solution I have been desiring for my fertility problems.
I explained to the lady that picked my call that the pain started from my waist and now it’s my abdomen and then she started asking me questions which I gave answers to. And because it has to do with my lower abdomen she asked me deeper questions relating to my fertility and I told her and then told her I have given up on the fertility problems that I just want the pain to stop and don’t want to take drugs because I have taken too many drugs concerning my fertility problems and have also tried so many products.
And then she said something that touched me, she said ‘why not try FERTIL24 fertility products instead of giving up on trying to conceive? And then I asked her if I should try again at 49 years of age with the menopausal signs I am having and then she said from all I have explained they are all pre-menopausal symptoms, and that it is even now I should try harder instead of giving up on trying to conceive.
Since she is the fertility consultant in the company and she has been able to enlighten me on my issue, then I decided to try again not knowing what to really expect.
I ordered for the treatment she recommended, the kit came very fast and so I started taking them. By the time I entered the third month of treatment, and my supplement was almost finishing, I called to find out what next to do and the fertility consultant asked me when was my last period, I tried to remember and discovered that I have passed my period with 4 days.
She asked me to do a pregnancy test and get back to her and behold the result came out POSITIVE. I got pregnant at age 49 at the time I started having signs of menopause, after trying for 20 years and never been pregnant before.
I want to use this opportunity to thank the fertility consultant, FERTIL24, Benney Ojo, thank you for your words of encouragement and support during my treatment and to use this medium to tell other women out there suffering from fertility problems not to give up, keep trying and try FERTIL24 fertility products just the same way I tried.
Thank you so much.
Now I Am Pregnant!
I have been trying to conceive for about 3 years now, I have been to the doctor and I was told I was not ovulating and my insurance could not cover fertility treatment, it’s very expensive here in the UK.
Somehow I was able to get clomid and took it for almost 3 cycles but no results and then I stopped taking it. I was searching for something my money can afford and something natural and since I am a Nigerian but based in the United Kingdom, I decided to search for something natural in Nigeria and found your fertility company through google.
I made an enquiry on the products and how long it will take to get to me in the UK and was told 7 days but to my surprise, my order came in 4 days and I started taking my treatment immediately. I ordered Fertilxtra kit for women with Evening Primrose Oil.
Firstly, my menstrual flow became normal, no pain or heavy flow and then I noticed I was ovulating, something that didn’t happen when on Clomid for 3 months and so I was happy I was responding well to treatment.
By the third month when my supplement was almost running out, I discovered I was pregnant after taking a home pregnancy test and I thought I should let you know that I am now pregnant.
Thank you.
My Test Report Showed Azoospermia but My Wife is Pregnant
My name is Mr. Adewale Abiola, I am from Ogun State. I and my wife have been trying to conceive for about 5 years now. We went to the doctor and several tests were carried out. My wife’s result was very okay but my result showed azoospermia, the doctor said I was not producing sperm at all and asked me to go for further tests and then gave me some drugs to see if there will be an improvement.
Several months later there was still no improvement, the test results were still saying azoospermia and since there was no improvement I stopped taking the drugs. The thought that I cannot father a child was always in my heart and my wife was always not happy, this was obviously affecting our marriage.
At this time I was very careful in my dealings with my wife, not to offend her in any way so she will not use that as an opportunity to leave me, I know she was always not happy, she could not hide her feelings about us not having children and I thought life has cheated me. I knew I had to find a solution even though I did not know how the solution will come since I was not producing sperm.
I came across your fertility company FERTIL-24 on your facebook page; the posts on fertility issues were very educating and I decided to narrate my problem by sending a mail. My mail was responded to in less than 24 hours stating that most laboratory we have does not effectively analyze sperm count and that it could be an extreme case of oligospermia which is low sperm count, that my sperm count may be extremely low and that for me to further know my fertility status I should order FertilXtra kit for men with Antioxi-D and take it consistently for 3 months and then go for another semen analysis test, that if after 3 months of taking this treatment my report still says azoospermia then I will know that I am really not producing sperm and that there could be blockages as a result of birth defects but that if there are traces of sperm cells then it means it’s an extreme case of low sperm count that could not be detected by analyzing my semen.
I understood this perfecting and since I don’t have anything to lose I decided to use the recommended product to see the outcome and I made a good decision because at the end of the third month which was precisely March 2015, I went for another semen analysis test and my sperm count was 19 million, I sent a mail to your fertility company to let you know the outcome and got a response that I should continue with treatment until my wife gets a positive pregnancy report and I did continue with the treatment and now my wife is 2 months pregnant.
I am fulfilled. Thank you so much for your support so far.
Pregnant With No Fibroid
I am pregnant with no fibroid. I got married at the age of 36 and wanted to conceive and start having children since I did not marry on time. I started taking folic acid months before my wedding and was expecting to become pregnant the first month after marriage but that did not happen even after months.
I went for fertility examination after 6 months in a teaching hospital but the doctor I met said I should come back after the next 6 months to make it one year because that is when its best to check for fertility issues that I need to try for one year. So I went back home trying to conceive up to one year but still no pregnancy.
On my own, I decided to go for a scan and the scan result showed multiple fibroids. I was angry with the doctor and myself, that why the doctor should ask me to wait for one year and blamed myself for not going for the scan in the first place.
I went to a private hospital and was told to undergo surgery to remove the fibroids, that I will become pregnant after removing the fibroids since it’s the fibroid that is preventing me from getting pregnant. I did the surgery and was waiting to become pregnant but instead, the fibroid started growing back when I did another scan seven months later.
I was so depressed knowing that the fibroid has started growing back but the doctor said I should not worry that the fibroid there will not prevent pregnancy. After another 2 years and by this time I was 39, the fibroid size has grown bigger and was now preventing pregnancy and surprisingly I was asked to come for another surgery but this time I refused.
Months later I discussed with my friends on my issue and discovered that it is very possible for the fibroid to grow back after surgery which I initially did not know. One of my friends mentioned FERTIL-24 and she gave me a website address to visit and said her sister used your products and became pregnant.
I went through the website and then sent a mail on my issue. The mail was responded to the same day and I was very happy and relieved. Without delay I ordered the recommended FibroCare kit, the kit was for 3 months. By the 3rd month, I discovered I was always feeling asleep even while in the office, and my friend teased me and said, this sleep is something else, are you sure you are not pregnant, and I thought pregnant?
Well after work I went for a pregnancy test and behold I was pregnant and by the following day I went for a scan and no fibroid was found. I could not even believe it; I am so grateful to God that He gave me the wisdom to refuse a second surgery and to my friend that mentioned FERTIL-24.
Your Fertility Supplement is a Wonder
Your Fertility Supplement is a Wonder.
Dear FERTIL-24, I would like to start by thanking you for coming up with fertility treatment that works wonder, I only wanted to try your treatment because I have tried several places and done all I thought I know how to do. I will like to share my story on how it all started.
I got married to my wife as a virgin when she was just 22 so I never ever thought we will have any problem having children but sadly that was not the case. After our marriage months rolled by without her conceiving, but I was not bothered because I thought, well she is still young and was very sure she will soon become pregnant.
Months ran into years, about the third year we began seeking for help because I was now bothered, I did not expect we will have any problem having a child. We then went to the hospital for help and we were both examined and no fertility problem was seen after running several tests. The doctor told us to keep trying that it might just be the normal delay since nothing was wrong with us.
We went home to keep trying hoping that soon my wife will conceive but more years pass by without her conceiving. It was about the eight years that she began to show her worries; she was now 30 years of age and she cannot understand why she cannot conceive after 8 years of trying and I could not provide answers to her many questions as to why she cannot conceive especially when I married her as I virgin and my heart was full of pains seeing us going through this challenge.
After trying for 8 years, we didn’t need anybody to tell us to push further, we went back to the hospital, went to the lab to carry out the same round of tests we did years before but this time around the results was not good. My sperm count has become low, very low of about 3 million with a very high percentage of dead and immotile sperm, and her hormones became imbalanced.
We started going from place to place seeking help and spending lots of money without much result, most times it will take several months for my sperm count to increase to 4 or 5 million. Then friends and families advised we try herbal products because obviously, drugs were not working for us. We started taking herbal products, anything I see labeled to increase sperm count, and I will try. About the 12th year, my sperm count was able to increase up to 10 million and her hormones were fluctuating but sadly we became tired of taking these products and decided to rest and trust in God for a miracle.
How time flies, years ran by and we were in our 20 years of trying with no results. By this time my wife has given up, she was 42 years old and thought we would never have children. I started looking for solution again, our doctor had earlier suggested IVF but my brother who is also a medical doctor examined us and said if we choose to go for IVF, I should go and put millions of naira together to start trying, that I am going to try for multiple times and further advised that I look for natural herbal product that is carefully processed, he called it organic herbal product, that these ones have more benefits in the body system.
A few months later precisely in September 2014, I found these organic herbal products by FERTIL-24, I put a call through to the office, explained my fertility problems and FertilXtra kit for men was recommended for me while FertilXtra kit for women was recommended for my wife. I made my order and we started taking the fertility supplement, we took our fertility supplement alongside Antioxi-D and some other fertility enhancing oils.
My wife’s period never came at the beginning of the year 2015, she called the fertility expert FERTIL-24, and she was asked to go for a pregnancy test, my wife’s heart skipped and she started panting. I remembered I was going to work that morning but instead I promised her I will take her to do the test. She did a blood test, we waited for the result and got a positive pregnancy report. Tears rolled down my eyes and when I looked at my wife she was also crying. It was all tears of joy.
I saw her tummy growing bigger month after month while expecting our baby. Our baby was born on the 27th of August, a bouncing baby boy after waiting for 21 years. Your fertility supplement is really a wonder. I am grateful to God and I thank FERTIL-24 for their fertility treatment that works wonders.
I am Pregnant With Natural Remedy
I am Pregnant With Natural Remedy. I have been trying to conceive and have done tests that said myself and husband were okay. I have taken Clomid which my doctor prescribed but instead, my period became so irregular and I became so worried because, at this time, I was 39 but thank God I came across “Most Powerful Natural Fertility enhancer for Men & Women” on Facebook.
I can remember the lady I spoke with said pregnancy is easy when you prepare your body for pregnancy and she recommended products that will prepare my body for conception.
Now I am pregnant with a natural remedy.
Thank you so much.
Your Product Works!
Your product works! I and wife have had issues having a baby for some time now and was giving us serious concern because we have seen doctors and gynos but there seem to be nothing they could do as we were both diagnosed to be okay.
I put a call across to the company and a treatment pack was recommended for us. We got the package delivered so fast and so started the treatment. Now my wife is pregnant after 13 years, amazing results.
Thank you.
Got Pregnant At Last
I got pregnant at last after years of trying to conceive, it was as if it will never ever happen due to several fertility issues, from hormonal imbalance to poor egg quality and then recurrent infections, my body became resistant to antibiotics.
Thank you for your fertility blend, it really works.
Glad I Found Your Company
I am so glad I found your company after so many years of trying to conceive, products came so fast and the result was beautiful.
I thought I should let you know I am now pregnant, thank you for your support.
Please acknowledge my mail, I love you all.
Frequent Miscarriages.
Dear Fertil-24,
My wife has suffered 4 miscarriages in the past before I discovered your company when I made a call to your company, I was told its best for her to prepare her body before conception so as to retain and carry to full term, you were right.
She is now 7 months pregnant and doing so well, thank you for your products and advice.
Amazing Results!
Amazing results!Pregnant After Just One Month Of Using FertilXtra for Women.
I want to thank you for your beautiful product and to let you know that I have a positive test result after just one month of using FertilXtra for Women, thank you for putting such a beautiful fertility blend together, I could feel changes in my body using the kit.
Thanks again.
I Got a Positive Pregnancy Test Result
My husband discovered your company and ordered a kit for me after researching on your blend. My menses had stopped in February, I started your treatment in 1st of June and by July 31st my menses came back and flowed so well for 5 days and by Sept. 5th, 2014 I got a positive pregnancy test result.
Thank you.
I Got Pregnant Naturally at Age 44!
I used your organic herbs and got pregnant naturally at age 44!
Dear Fertilconsult team, I have been trying to conceive for about 9 years now and I finally got pregnant 4 weeks after taking your powerful product ‘fertility capsule’. It was simply amazing.
I had a history of recurrent miscarriages but using your product I got pregnant naturally at age 44 and after all the fertility drugs consumed including 6 induction Clomid cycles. I also have a copy of your e-book, it is informative and very useful.
Thank you so much.
After Two Months of Trying
After two months of trying, I got pregnant with my first baby girl. With an ovarian cyst, this is really amazing!
Hello fertilconsult team, I just cannot express my gratitude because I have been fighting infertility issues for more than 10 years. My gynecologist had already insisted that IVF was the only option left for me. I was no longer a happy
woman due to all that I was going through and I thought I would be childless. My husband and I decided we will keep on fighting as I have read many awful stories about the side effects, the low success rates, and pain involved with the IVF procedure so we kept looking for a natural alternative.
We were almost giving up when I heard of your company and contacted you. You gave me words of encouragement and I immediately ordered your product, I actually ordered the fertility cleansing pack and the fertility supplement pack for myself and also ordered for my husband who had poor sperm motility. After two months of trying, I got pregnant with my first baby girl. My husband is so happy.
Thank you so much.
I Got Pregnant Naturally After 3 Failed IVF.
I’m 40 years old and my husband is 44. We’ve been trying to conceive for 6 years now and had 3 rounds of failed IVF. My doctors said I couldn’t develop any eggs. My FSH levels were high and progesterone levels were too low.
I luckily heard about your company and it took me some months after to order because I was skeptical. But when I called and spoke to a live person, I realized it was real. My order got to me really quickly, and I only took two bottles and I got pregnant!
I am still so surprised! I never thought it would happen that soon. It was unbelievable!
I’m glad I followed my intuition and bought Fertility Supplement Pack. I have told my friend who is also trying to get pregnant and she hurriedly ordered, no more delay.
Thank you.
My Doctor Said I Will Likely Not Get Pregnant With My Own Eggs
After years of trying to conceive and a failed IVF, I ordered your Fertility Supplement Pack. The doctor treating me for infertility said I will likely not be able to get pregnant with my own eggs. But I got pregnant for the first time in my life. I started with the cleansing pack I ordered and for the first time felt energized all over and I knew something was happening to me.
I had a beautiful pregnancy all through and I am glad I tried your product.
Best wishes.
After Over 7 Years of Trying to Conceive
After over 7 years of trying to conceive and thousands of naira spent on infertility treatments, I finally succeeded to get pregnant the natural way without any medical intervention.
After going through 3 failed IVF cycles and several IUI’s without any results, I had started struggling to get pregnant at the age of 36 as I just don’t want to accept it that I wouldn’t have any children of my own. I got to know about your natural remedies from a younger friend who is still not yet married but is feeling my pains and she encouraged me to try, that I never can tell if the natural way will bring the solution I have been looking for.
I reluctantly place the order and found myself holding a positive home pregnancy test in less than 5 weeks! After over seven years of trying to conceive and thousands of naira spent on infertility treatments, I finally succeeded to get pregnant the natural way without any drugs or medical intervention.
This is indeed a miracle, thank God for giving us natural plants, it is just the best!
I Became Pregnant at Age 40
I have had several miscarriages, my husband and l have waited for pregnancy to happen for more a decade and we have spent so much money on consultation and drugs but all failed. I was booked for IVF by my doctor but a friend of mine advised that before going for the IVF l should take your fertility supplement first, that it will increase the chances for the IVF to be successful and also it will help bring my body back to balance.
I reluctantly yielded to all she asked me to do and ordered your fertility supplement for myself and my husband, all I wanted was to use it to balance my body before going for the IVF but to our greatest surprise, I became pregnant before I could finish the third bottle.
My husband and I appreciate my friend for her advice, I hurriedly went back to her to share the good news.
Thank you so much and may God bless you.
Yeast Infection Finally Gone!
I have been treating yeast infection for a very long time and it seems nothing was working until when I used oil of oregano. I am glad it is finally gone.
Thanks to you and oil of oregano.
Best wishes, Aunty Grace, Port Harcourt.
No More Irregular Menses
I started having irregular menses at age 15, I have visited the doctors, taken medications but I did not see any significant result. I then got married at age 26 and of course, the report was still the same and I became so worried because I have been going through this same issue for a very long time.
My husband was very hopeful and full of faith, he asked me to stop all medication because I have been on them for too long without noticing any significant result and so I did. Not too long he discovered the natural fertility treatment online, put a call to a live person and we decided to give it a try and by this time I was already 34 and I am happy we did because by the second cycle of taking the treatment I experienced a significant result concerning my menses and that was how I conceived.
I want to say that you so much.
Incredible Increase In Sperm Count
I got married without knowing what was awaiting me in the very near future. My wife age 30 could not conceive after two years of trying for a baby and before we knew it it got to the 6th year of trying, at this point she became very worried and so we went to the doctor and after series of test she was confirmed okay but the problem was with me, I was diagnosed of low sperm count, it was so low that there was no active sperm at all.
The doctor gave me drugs but they did not help me and so I decided to check for something different and found the fertility company, Fertil-24 and so I immediately ordered for a treatment pack for my case and could not believe the incredible increase in sperm count and active sperm after exhausting the pack.
While I was dwelling on that my wife was already pregnant and so it was all joy.
Thank you.
Now l am pregnant after series of miscarriages
I got married at the age of 25 and thought by age 32 I will be through with childbearing. For the first four years, I could not get pregnant, when I finally got pregnant at the age of 30 I had a miscarriage and after that, I got pregnant every year but it always will end up with a miscarriage.
I was no longer happy because of this, my husband and I tried so many things, we went from one doctor to the other paying consultation and medical bills. I also tried herbal concoctions for some time but it was really difficult drinking that liquid.
My husband came home from work one day and handed a package to me, when I opened it the content was fertility supplement, he told me he got it from your company and that we were going to try it. Immediately, we started taking the capsules, they were really convenient and easy to take.
I finally got pregnant before I finished the third bottle. Now I am 37 years old and I feel so young all over my body.
Thank you so much.
Solution at last
Your fertility supplement pack has brought a solution to my fears and worries at last. I am going to refer people to you and I heard your website will be ready soon and I hope that women out there who are going through the same fears and worries I went through in getting pregnant, will find your website, and a solution will come to them.
Thank you and God bless you.
Most Powerful Fertility Enhancer for Men and Women
I came across an article written about the company Fertil-24 on papers talking about “Most Powerful Fertility Enhancer for Men and Women. I and wife have had issues having a baby for some time now and was giving us serious concern because we have seen doctors and gynos but there seem to be nothing they could do as we were both diagnosed to be okay.
I put a call across to the company and a treatment pack was recommended for myself and wife. We got the package delivered so fast and so started the treatment. I was baffled by the result I saw because I thought it is going to take us some time to resolve since we have spent 13 years struggling with the issue of infertility but was amazed when my wife who was now 41 years of age started having some feelings that took us to the hospital and she was confirmed pregnant. I decided to write this testimony, even now that I am writing this, I am still surprised and I appreciate you all for your show of love.
Thank you.